Friday, December 31, 2010

Massage Blues

Robb got me a great gift for Christmas. . . a massage. I love to get massages, pedicures, etc. Its good to pamper yourself a little. Plus, I deserve it, right?

So, yesterday I had the day off and decided to take advantage of my gift. Well, today I feel like I've been ran over by a truck. I could barely get out of bed and I hurt physically. But its affecting me emotionally as well. I am depressed, anxious and cranky. I don't really remember ever feeling like this when I've received massages before. Why is something so wonderful making me feel so horrible? Well, I googled it and I found out that this is quite a normal experience.Its called "massage blues".

I pulled this info from an article in the June 2007 issue of Healthy Living.

A classic Swedish massage is like 7 miles of hiking to the circulatory system because of all the stuff that gets all loosened up during the massage. Later on, all that released lactic acid, waste products, chemicals and "other" just get processed out of the body the next day.

(That's why I was told to drink a gallon of water. To get all that waste out of my system.)

I find the most common "emotional" stuff that comes up after a massage is just irritability and sadness for no reason. This is totally natural. Its just the combination of the chemicals and hormones that were sitting in your tissue that have been released to be cleaned out AND the emotions that may have been "stored" in places that were released and relaxed during the massage.

She does say to not let the downside of a massage keep you from getting one. The freedom from pain, pattern and holding is far worth the 24 to 36 hours of slight discomfort that comes after a massage.

As of right now, I think it will be quite some time before I get another massage. It is good to know that the feelings, both physically and emotionally I am feeling are normal, though.


Stacey said...

Good to know. Thanks for sharing. I'm not a fan of massages but T and I have 1scheduled as a couple for our anniversary. The last time I had 1 was when we were in HI and I didn't get a Swedish. Much appreciated info!! Feel better!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Wow...I have never heard of this, great info, THANKS! Maybe this is why I have never had a massage;)
Hope you are feeling better soon.

The Edwards said...

Wow! That is amazing. I had no clue...I've never actually had a real massage before though...I don't think the ones my hubby offers count since he isn't a masseur, besides he only offers them when he's hoping for something in return. He has wandering hands....anyway...congrats on 22 years. That's incredible. You have a beautiful family!

nina said...

Funny you brought that up, my massage therapist just talked to me about why it is so important to drink water and it is to flush out the toxins. If you don't drink well afterwards, you will feel yucky and the toxins will just settle back into your muscles/bloodstream within a day or two. If you flush your body out really good with water, you shouldn't feel bad after you get one, because the toxins will actually leave your body. Try getting one next time and drinking a lot.