Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Today marks 22 years of marriage to Robb.
I have listed 22 reason why I've loved being married to this remarkable human being.

1) His laugh

2) His hands

3) His butt

4) His kind heart

5) His sense of humor

6) His work ethic

7) His love of the gospel

8) Our "Sunday" drives

9) Singing with him

10) That life in the bedroom is still hot

11) That he's not afraid to get dirty (he's a manly man)

12) But. . . he's not afraid to cry

13) His athletic ability

14) That we can agree to disagree on politics

15) That he refuses to grow old gracefully

16) How we tease people

17) That he's first in line to help someone in need

18) Kymbre

19) Hope

20) Jasmine

21) Bobby

22) That he truly is my best friend

This literally took me two minutes to do. I think I could have easily put down 22 more. I love you, babe!!

(Sorry about number 10 everyone, but it is true.)


Stacey said...

Congrats!! Here is to many, many more happy years together!

{Lindsey} said...

Dang! Happy 22 years!! And don't apologize for #10...I think it's great and those who have a problem with it are just jealous ;)
Congrats!! Here's to the next 22!!