Friday, September 10, 2010

Fatty Fatty Two By Four. . .

Since we moved to Mesquite, a short 3 months ago, I have gained 14 pounds. 14 pounds in 3 months!! It has been a complete mystery to me how this has happened. Is it the water? The elevation? The heat? The complete lack of exercise or motivation because of the heat?
Well it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I finally figured it out.

This is what is sitting around at my work almost everyday. And this is only the front counter. I don't know why people feel the need to bring us food. Do they think we will slip them an extra 20.00 in their deposit for freshly baked cookies, erase their overdraft fees for warm brownies or defer a loan payment for them in lieu of a dozen cupcakes?
Since I have solved the mystery, it takes every single bit of will power I have to walk past these plates and plates of yummies everyday, but I am a pudgy woman on a mission. I have promised myself that in the next three months I will lose the 14 pounds plus 6 more. By Christmas I will look fantastic. So today I say goodbye to goodies and hello to Goddess!


Kee said...

Jem, I think you always look beautiful! I love your post and the music you pick to go with them. This one made me laugh out loud.

Michelle Thompson said...

Jem you crack me up! I thought you looked great when I saw you a couple of weeks ago!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I agree with Michelle, your a crack up!! I'm sure you are lookin great, but I will tell ya when I lived in HOT Laredo Texas I never went outside, and I gained 20 lbs, not to discourage you;)...It's that dang heat! Maybe you should take a veggie tray to share;)