Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"Morning Scare"

Robb and I woke up to a scare this morning. Bobby was not in bed or even in the house anywhere. He likes to sometimes sleep behind the couches, so we checked behind every couch, under every bed and in every nook and cranny. We checked in the cars and the bathtubs with no luck. This is where I started getting very very worried. It was my turn to carpool so I picked up the neighbor kids and dropped them and Jazz off at school. I searched for him on the way and back from school, but still nothing. When I got home, and started looking closer, I realized that the clothes he sat out for school were gone as well as his rip stick and backpack. His school is 5 miles away and I wondered if he might have decided to ride his rip stick to school and wanted an early start. As I was getting ready to head off to his school, he walks in the door with a very scared look on his face.
What I was feeling at that moment were a barrage of feelings; angry, relieved, confused, joyous. He walked up to me and hugged me with tears in his eyes. I asked him where he was and he said when he woke up, his clock said it was 8:10 and his bus leaves at 8:15 so he hurried and got dressed and ran to the bus. What he didn't realize was that his clock was an hour ahead and the bus he got on was the bus to the high school. He rode the bus quietly with the big kids to the high school and when the bus driver realized she had an extra small child on board, she brought him back to his bus stop.
What a scary morning for all involved. I cant imagine in my worst nightmares ever losing a child. Bobby adds so much sunshine and happiness to my life. I don't know what I would do without his fifty hugs and kisses a day, his silly jokes and his kind, sweet heart. I am so blessed to have him in my life.


nina said...

OH MY GOSH! That would have scared me to death. You are so strong Jem to keep it all together through that. So glad it all worked out!

Anonymous said...

Jem! That is really scary! I hope he is feeling better! I am so happy he is ok.

Joan said...

Even a mother as old as I am can relate to this. It brought tears to my eyes and gratitude that it was just a mistake. You carpooled through it all too, which shows what a responsible person you are. HUGS!!

{Lindsey} said...

Oh my goodness Jem! That is a big scare. Poor Bobby...he was being so responsible. I bet he'll make sure that his clock is always set to the right time!

Stacey said...

Holy Cow!! What a morning! I am so glad it all worked out!! I am sure the little guy was petrified as well.

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

I had a lump in my throat while reading this, what a scary thing to happen. Poor little guy, I'm sure he was just terrified. And you.... driving car pool, I would of had them catch another ride, your brave and strong to do that. Glad all is well!

Kee said...

Oh Jem! How scary for all of you! I am glad it turned out okay. How brave of Bobby.

The Edwards said...

Every comment before me has echoed my thoughts...How scary, and poor sweet Bobby, I am so thankful it all turned out ok in the end.