Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Bittersweet Farewell

WARNING: This post includes tons of pics. I wish I was clever enough to make collage out of them and someday I will but for today. . . deal with it.

Last weekend my loving relief society presidency threw our family a going away barbecue. This is us.

Sexiest relief society presidency EVER!

One of these things are not like the other, one of these things are kinda the same. . . I love my little leprechaun.


Afterwards, some of us got together at my house for spa night. We did facials. . .
and waxing. . .
and pedicures!!
I feel so very blessed that the Lord has let us be a part of this amazing ward family. We have never been happier. This move isnt too far and we will still be able to see these wonderful people whenever we want to!!
Thank you Hidden Valley Ward!!


Natalie said...

Our toes look so great! It was a fun night and you and the fam will be missed! Logan loves Rob so we need to mingle more often!

Joan said...

It is always so sad to leave your ward family, but you will find another one if you seek them. How great that they love you so much.
By the way, what happened to the vintage music that you use to have on the blog??? I can't sing along with the newest ones. LOL

Kim Beckstead Cooper said...

You guys are great! I've never seen any of you without a smile on your face. You will be missed, but since you aren't too far away, we can still see you guys from time to time.

Katie and Bryson said...

Jem we love you guys! I'm glad you lived here too, so we got to know you. That was a fun BBQ night :) Good luck to you all in Mesquite!!!