Friday, February 12, 2010

Cupid - Friend or Foe?

Are you aware that some people compare Cupid to Satan? Now I wouldnt go that far but I have to admit that I am not a fan of Valentines Day. Dont get me wrong. The idea of celebrating love is great but why should we be forced into it on one day of the year with a sappy card, a stuffed animal that just gets thrown in the toy box or a cheap box of chocolates? Its definitely a retailers holiday.
I feel so sorry for those unfortunate souls who are single on Valentines day. Its like poring salt into an already open wound. Even those in relationships usually end up disappointed on Valentines Day. Expectations are just too high. I read somewhere that break ups are actually the highest around February 14th.
And what do you get your man for Valentines Day? I remember buying Robb a bracelet with his name on it when we were in high school. Now what do I get him? I think every woman knows what her man wants for his "present".
I know that Robb loves me. He shows me everyday with random acts of kindness. He brings me home a Mt Dew when he goes to the store, he does the dishes if I look tired or he rubs my back after a long day of work. These acts of love arent forced and thats what makes them so special.
So, hats off to you who are pro Valentines Day but I'd rather express my love to my husband no matter what day is showing on the calendar.


Michelle Thompson said...

Great post! I agree 100%!

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Your not alone...I'm not a fan either. We have never been on a date for V-Day, we just stay home and have a good meal with our kids. The next day is my daughters b-day, and that's when we party;)

Stacey said...

I am a huge fan of your post!! I detest Valentine's Day!!! We don't celebrate it either, never have! I agree 100%!! Great post!

Amy said...


Linda said...

I just realized that Cupid spelled backwards is Dipuc. That's French for De'Puke 8-P

nina said...

I agree, and I think I'll reconsider how we do things next year. It does feel a little forced, doesn't it? I don't think people should say I love you with "things". Brad and I never buy eachother anniversary presents for that reason.