Monday, April 6, 2009

A Whole New World

I went to pick Bobby up from baseball practice Saturday and this was the scene in front of me. There were two, maybe, twenty something men sitting on a blanket with their car door open. Listening to music??? No, listening to conference. I couldnt believe it. One of them was even taking notes.
Wow. Unbelievable. It is a whole different world down here. I know that I've said this before but I'm going to say it again. I really was disappointed when Robb told us we werent going to move to Astoria, OR. I didnt want to move down here with all the "Utah Mormons", but let me tell you. . . there is nowhere I'd rather be. Nowhere. I love it here and I know that this is where we are supposed to be. I am proud to be a "Utah Mormon".
(On a semi-side note. Wasnt conference wonderful? I feel totally uplifted. I wasnt even dreading going to work this morning.)


Joan said...

It was wonderful and a lot of the talks gave us hope and reminded us that "men (and women) are that they might have joy" even in this crazy world.

Margaret Kay said...

The words of God - always good for my soul. and Utah Mormons? There are lots of good ones - and bad ones, but there just so many of us that you get to see a lot of good ones! ;-)

nina said...

That's awesome. I love seeing things like that.

Amy said...

I had culture shock when I moved here too! I remember being at the GAP in the mall and overheard some girls talking so casually to each other from across the store about how they just went to the temple with one of their friend's who were taking out their endowments before leaving on their mission. They were saying this in PUBLIC and no one was giving them a second glance?! WHAT!?