Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New York

Over Memorial day, Quinn, my coworker, and I went to New York for a Yankees-Mariners game. It was a very quick trip, but since Quinn lived in New York while going to mortuary school, he new the best and fastest ways to get to the places I wanted to see. Because of his incredible knowhow of the city and subway system(which had me completely confused) we got to take in an enormous amount of sights in a very little timeframe. Thanks for the tour of YOUR city, and a good time at an awesome game.

Me at the temple.

Coffee shop on Seinfeld
Ichiro at the plate at Yankee Stadium.
Brooklyn Bridge
My favorite place in New York. Little Italy
Quinn outside of the new Yankee stadium. Park opens in '09


Quinn said...

Hey! Awesome. That was a way fun Trip
I Im so hungry for that food right not. St. George food just doesn't cut it sometimes. I Love that Stadium!!! Cool song too. I'm thiking we should put that on ours now. Every once in a while the city boy in me comes out and I miss New York. Weird

Amy said...

I think next time I (amy) will go with you guys. We can go see a couple broadway shows, do some shopping, and go and see the Rocketts. Now that would be a New York trip!

Joan said...

Rob, that looks so fun. I have yet to go to New York. I have been so many places but not the Big Apple. That's on my bucket list.

Aunt Joan