Saturday, May 31, 2008

My Name

I've always loved my name. I like being unique. It has come with it's set of obstacles, though. When I answer the phone at work or when I meet someone new, they never get it correct. Joan? Jan? Jim? I always end up spelling it out and most of the time people compliment me on it. For those of you who don't know, Jem is my actual middle name. Yes, it is on my birth certificate and, no, it's not short for anything. It is my dad's initials. Jon Eyre Marchant. In kindergarten, I remember trying to go by Kimberly, and I don't quite remember if it was my mom or if it was my choice to try and change but it only lasted a couple of weeks. I am just not a Kimberly. I've seen and heard my name wrong numerous times and in many different ways, but, yesterday, when we ordered a pizza, I saw a new one. Just thought I'd share. It made me laugh.


nina said...

That is pretty funny. On all my legal documents I go by Nicholina (which is my full name). You should here some of the pronunciations that I get from that one!

Lauren said...

That is so funny. Sorry, but I had to laugh. I've always liked your name, it's very unique. :)

Joan said...

Jem, as short and as easy as Joan is, I get called Joe, Joanne, June,
etc. and I get letters with the last name of Oyster, Oler, Orster, etc. I guess we just don't pay attention enough when people say or spell their names. Oh well, we know who we are don't we.


Amy said...

Thats funny! My maiden name is "Smart" and I would always get people asking me how to spell it.

Colett (*.*) said...

Don't get me started on names, Why did my mom feel like she had to be unique with name spelling? I've been married to Matt for 14 yrs and my M.I.L still spells my name wrong!

Shon O said...

ROFL, I dont think I have ever seen mine get spelled right. I usually have to repeat it three times before people catch on. I do love the fact that it is unique, it has broken the ice on many business meetings and helped to make me more memorable, which is a bonus when doing sales for a living. - Yes, that is S H O N

Margaret Kay said...

That is very funny - I notice that both of your names came out wrong! I have a name plate initially made for my office 14 years ago(I kept it because I thought it funny) that says Margaret "HAROTE". Aparently the printer mixed up the "O" with what should be "D" and "T" which should be "I". HARDIE/HAROTE

Nic said...

You know your name is good when there is a song about. Unfortunately, not much rimes with Nicole so I'm not so lucky. Mole maybe... but who wants a song about them called Nicole has a mole?

Anonymous said...

nice blog

Teri said...

Whenever I hear your name I think about the cartoon Jem! and I sing that song...Jem is truly my head. I'm sure you know what I am talking about. ;) It was fun to see a softball pic of Robb. That is how I remember always seeing him, playing softball.

Michelle Thompson said...

I love that name. That made me laugh. Thanks for sharing it.