Thursday, May 24, 2012


For my birfday this year, we kept it pretty simple.  We stayed home and made homemade pizzas.  I would rather hang with my awesome family than go out and do anything else.
Robb got me a spa day so today Heather and I went to indulge ourselves a little.  
These are some of the wonderful things I did.
A little of this. . .
A smidgen of this. . .

Some of this. . .
Even a bit of this. . .
And a lot of this. . . .
Thanks honey for a day of relaxing and rejuvenation. A little alone time is sometimes just what a girl needs.
And, speaking of feet, heres a cute little story about Bobby:
He likes to have his clothes perfect and neat and when his shoes got a little scuffed, he asked how he could clean them.  I mentioned bleach.  Well, what his l2 year old brain went to was "I should pour half a bottle of bleach in the sink and soak them for a few hours and then I will put them in the dryer so they are dry for school tomorrow.  I received a call at work from my son telling me his shoes were falling apart.  I dismissed him, telling him he would be fine.  Well, when he got home from school, this is what his shoes looked like.  He was so embarrassed that he had to walk around school all day like that. Not only did they look silly but they made a flopping sound whenever he took a step.


kayla said...

Ha ha ha.... I need a good laugh! Those shoes are probably the funniest thing I have seen all day.

Joan said...

I find that you need to be very specific with 12 year old boys and then ask them when you are done talking ...did you hear what I said? Well, there are very white and clean looking. ha ha

The Leithead Family said...

L.O.L! Poor kid...we all need to be humiliated once in a adds character!!!! Glad you were pampered!

Stacey said...

Great job Robb on the spa day!! Hope your day was perfect! I love your Bobby's feet! How cute!!

Shemri and Gang said...

I laughed really loudly at the shoe story! That is hilarious!