Saturday, December 24, 2011

Robb and the Kids

Robb had a service in Riverside, CA last week and since the kids are out of school, Jazz went with him.  I think they had a pretty fun time except that Robb must have had a horrible case of road rage and almost got in a couple fights while driving.  Thank heavens we dont live in CA or my husband would most likely be in jail a good percentage of the time.
Then, on Thursday, Robb and some friends took their boys to the Maaco Bowl.  Boise State vs Arizona St in Vegas.  It was coooold for us Nevadaans that day.   I think they had a good time too.  Anywhere you go with Robb is going to be an entertaining time.

Someday maybe my husband will actually blog his own adventures, but for now, I will do it and talk crap about him while doing it.  I love you honey.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

I can't believe it is that cold in Vegas! It has been cold here as well. I hope you had a Merry Christmas!