Monday, October 11, 2010

Day Off

There are many things I love about my job and one of them is getting pretty much every holiday off, so, today I took advantage and went and saw Bentley. Hope wasn't feeling good so Bentley and I took a walk to the temple grounds.
It was so relaxing. The weather was perfect and we just laid there, listened to the music from the visitor center and hung out. I feel so lucky to have a place to go where you can forget all your troubles, even for a short time and just relax and rejuvenate.
Thanks for the great day Double B!


The Edwards said...

Oh my goodness, what a sweet baby. Hooray for vacation days and sweet babies! Sounds like heaven.

Michelle Thompson said...

Oh, what a great way to spend a day off!

Stacey said...

So glad you got to relax. He sure is a cutie!