Monday, August 17, 2009


Well, the day that I have been patiently waiting for for 20 years finally came. It was better than I could have ever imagined. I thought it might be bitter sweet since only two of our kids were sealed to us but I only felt tremendous joy and peace. I know that we will get the other two there eventually.
My little eternal family.
Robb and I and Amy. I had to take one shoe off so I wouldnt be taller than Robb. =) Amy and her husband, Dan have been such good examples to Robb and I.
Jazzy Jo sitting in the shade. Isnt she beautiful?
My parents came down. I love them so much. My mom is a trooper. I know she was in excruciating pain all week but she never complained and she participated in everything. I know they have been waiting just as long as I have for this day.
It was a perfect weekend. At our small wedding, twenty years ago, at my parents house, Robb and I only invited 5 friends to come. At our sealing, three of those friends were there. It has come full circle and we are so blessed to have such wonderful, faithful, worthy friends. Thank you all so much for sharing our special weekend with us. We will remember it forever. (Literally)


Stacey said...

Congratulations to your family, Jem. What a great weekend for you!

Lauren said...

I am absolutely THRILLED for you guys! Congrats! What a special feeling that you will always remember. So glad your mom and dad could come, Trent and Kolette, and Jayson and Michelle. :)

Jess said...

Congratulations!!!! What an amazing experience for you and your family. Next time you guys are in town I will have to watch Jennie's kids so you guys can go to the temple together.

Amy said...

I know I have said it before, but congratulations! What an awesome event in your lives! I guess it is true what they say "patience really is a virtue"! Crazy to think that those 20 years is a mere blink of an eye in an eternal perspective!

nina said...

Ohhhh... you brought tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you and your family. Congrats.

Linda said...

How wonderful. Never forget that feeling of peace you received in the temple about your other children. It was a tender mercy of prophecy to you it will come to pass.

Joan said...

Oh I am so happy! Looking at the pictures, I just sat and bawled. I wish I could have been there. When I worked at the temple, nothing was as special to me as seeing a family sealed for eternity. Hugs all around. XXOO

Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Congratulations!!!! I am so happy for you all. How great that your family and friends were able to share your beautiful day with you.