Friday, February 13, 2009

Someone please explain

I was listening to the radio this morning when a Backstreet Boys song came on and "Bam", I remembered my dream from last night. Robb and I were at a Backstreet Boys concert and somehow we were picked to go backstage. Well, in between songs, Kevin, the tall one in the middle, kept coming to Robb and spoon feeding him ice cream.
Would one of you psych majors like to try and explain that one to me?


Amy said...

Oh, I am laughing SO hard right now!!!! HAHAHAHAHAI think strange dreams may just run in the family! My mom and I were just talking the other day about how TOTALLY bazaar both our dreams are! I wake up laughing a lot in the mornings! You should keep a dream hilarious! The question is: Was Rob enjoying it?

Stacey said...

WOW!!! Very interesting...haha! Does Robb like to be fed ice cream by Backstreet Boys? :)

Linda said...

Do you remember that song by Sarah McLaughlin called Ice Cream? It goes "Your love is better than ice cream."
I think your dream means that Rob loves you so much that if he is ever even going to bother with ice cream it's not only going to have to be spoon fed to him, but spoon fed by someone very important!

Margaret Kay said...

I love dreams too - very wonderful entertainment each night. I believe the best interpreter of a dream is the DREAMER. However, in a sleep state, there is no left brain reasoning at all, so you kind of have to ignore logic completely. Everything comes from the creative side. So ask yourself - what were you feeling at each point in the dream. Each feeling will produce it's own motion picture to go with it. Dollars to donuts you can find a correlation between your feelings each step of the way and what is going on (or you want to go on)in your real life.

Colett (*.*) said...

That is so hillarious, it really must be in the Marchant blood I wake up most mornings a little bewildered, Matt thinks I am just plain crazy!