Saturday, September 13, 2008

Adventure at the Museum

No, its not a Goosebumps book. Every Saturday, I try and do something with the kids. Bonding time, you know. We do the usual. Fiesta Fun, out to eat, swimming, movie, etc, but today I decided to do something a little more cultural. I think that this will be my new goal. Expand their minds a little bit. This is a stretch from expanding their minds, but at least it was educational. We went to the wildlife museum. It was just me and Bud today. We had our own little safari. At one point, they shut off the lights and made it sound like a storm. There was booming thunder and clashing lightning. It was a little eerie. Every flash of lightning, you could see that you were surrounded by wild animals. Big bad Bud wanted to get right out of there.


Amy said...

I can't believe how much you look like Milisa in these photos! CRAZY!
Bud is very lucky to have a mommy like you that will take him on fun little dates like this! Such a cute kid!

Michelle Thompson said...

That looks like fun. We haven't been there yet and need to check it out. I think Jayden would like it.

Joan said...

Look at his beautiful eyes. All your kids have the big gorgeous eyes. Chips off the old block huh?


Kee said...

What a fun idea! It looks like you two are having a great time. I always like to look and see what funny faces Bobby is making!