Sunday, May 4, 2008

My Sportster

Jazz is my little sportster. She's pretty passionate about any sport and she usually dominates even the boys in her grade. She is contantly bringing home certificates explaining how she broke the school sit-up record or ran the fastest mile. Last week she was in a badmitten tournament at school. After a week of intense playing, she ended up champion of the girls for the fifth grade. She came home with this bagfull of games. There is badmitten, volleyball, jai-alai, horseshoes, etc. I hope that she can continue to want to excell at what she does and am excited for her future. My favorite part of being a mom is watching my kids participate in any sort of activity. I often wonder how people spend their time when they don't have the wonderful blessing known as kids. We are proud of you Jazz!

1 comment:

Joan said...

Yea Jazz!!! Give her a hug for Aunt Joan and show her a picture of me so she will remember who I am. She was so loving to me when she was a tiny girl. I think she is the bomb.
