Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Your Happily Ever After

Last week I had the privilege of attending girls camp as the assistant ward camp director, in beautiful Kolob, UT.  Our theme this year was "Waxing Strong in Confidence", which is something, as the days went on, we realized, was perfect for what these young women are struggling with right now. It surprised me that the girls I thought had pretty high self esteem were actually the ones having the hardest time with their  confidence.
We also did a fairy tale theme from President Uchtdorfs conference talk "Your Happily Ever After."  In the talk, he speaks about how you are born a princess and that you can have your happily ever after, but its what you do with the middle of your story that really counts.
The first night we arrived, Heavenly Father blessed us with some rain.  The girls took it in stride, though.  Two of the tents were totally ruined and 6 of the girls had to go sleep on the pews at the gun range.  I semi-slept in the fetal position in the back of my car that night. 

The girls did shooting and archery.  Jazz did awesome on the shooting.  She got 49 out of 50.  I know its in her blood on both sides of the family.

One of the leaders did a devotional on Jesus washing the disciples feet.  We then gave the girls pedicures. Most of the focus of camp was being beautiful on the inside, but its important to look good on the outside too!

The water slide was my favorite non-spiritual activity.  They had about 8 billboard covers hooked together and then they were running soapy water down it. The dog was having more fun than we were.  Boy was I sore the next day but I would do it again in a heartbeat!
An activity that the stake did was candle waxing.  They explained how we need to wax our confidence by adding just a little goodness everyday.  Like a candle, pretty soon, you will be strong and firm, but it takes time. 
 Our fearless leaders!  (Some smokin hot mamas, if you ask me!)
Another one of the stake activities was the certification challenge.  Our ward was in charge of that and it turned out super, except that it rained all through it.  Again, the girls didnt even blink.  This is Jazz and Hannah doing the knot tying portion.  (There werent supposed to be winners or loser but I think Jazz and Hannah won.)

  This was one of the most rejuvenating experiences for me; physically, emotionally and spiritually. I came home ready to take on the world. I am so glad Heavenly Father guided our camp director to call me as an assistant.  I am a little guarded and have a hard time letting people in, so,  its tough for me to make new friends and Ive been very lonely lately.  I now have 5 amazing women I can call my friends.
I also was blessed to able to be there with Jasmine.  What a wonderful young woman she has grown up to be.  I am so proud to call her my daughter. I hope and pray that her love for the gospel keeps blooming and that the middle of her fairy tale story is filled with happiness and positive choices so she can have a happily ever after.
 It was tons of hard work and meticulous planning was involved but I wouldn't have changed a second of it and I cant wait to do it all again next year!


Natalie said...

Looks like fun and super cute theme! You need to come visit the ward soon!

nina said...

Girls camp is awesome, I'm glad you got to go. I'm in Young womens too, but can't go because I have a nursing baby. Hopefully I will get to next year when Kayla is there though.

The Leithead Family said...

So glad you got to go to camp! I have missed the last two years due to pregnancy and nursing babies!! Sounds like it was a great time...and I bet you ROCKED just a little bit as a leader!!! ;)

Joan said...

You are a cool Mama and a really wonderful woman. How great that the girls were blessed with your presence.

Christine said...

I'm so happy for you & your new calling! Sounds like a perfect fit! I miss you, my "guarded" friend! Mwah<3

{Lindsey} said...

How fun for you! MINUS the rain, holy cow that tent/mud was painful to look at.
Jasmine will always cherish these memories of you being there with her.