Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Parentals

My mom and dad came to Vegas for my dads job last week.  So, like the good mom that I am, I took my kids out of school for two days and we hung out in Vegas for 4 days.  We hit all the usual places.
M&M Store
I got hit on by a creepy Storm Trooper.
The Rain Forest Cafe.  That snake sincerely freaked me out.
Bobby got to spend one of the days with my dad at the convention. 
Robb couldnt get off, so, mom and dad came to Mesquite and got a quick tour of our home and the mortuary, etc.

But, this was the very best part of the whole trip.  Mom and dad had been anticipating this moment for 9 months now, and Bentley didnt let them down.  He couldnt have been any cuter or sweeter. Im pretty sure they were seriously thinking about stashing him in their carry on bag when they left. 
I sure miss these two amazing people.  I miss my moms laugh and my dads big hands that give the best hugs in the world. He always makes me feel like a beautiful princess.  I know it sounds corny but my mom is really one of my best friends and sometimes phone calls, emails and texting just isnt enough. I took as much of them in as I could.  Hopefully it doesnt have to last me another two years.


Elder Nicholas Sinks said...

Your parents look great...I probably haven't seen them in over 20 years. What a fun trip for all of you. Your grandson is so cute...those eyes will get the girls in the future that's forsure.

Stacey said...

What a great picture with Bentley and your parents! Priceless! I am glad you had a great time with them.

Michelle Thompson said...

It made me miss them too seeing the pictures! Glad you had such a great time with them! They are great people and you are so lucky!

Joan said...

They are my best friends too. Love them so much. I miss that they didn't have to stop here on their way down though.

Amy said...

I don't know how I missed this post! It was so fun to see these pictures and as everyone else said, it made me miss them dearly! I love your parents! You are right, your dad does have the BEST hugs and I am always sure to get one every time I see him! Glad you got some quality and much needed time with them!