Sunday, July 25, 2010


4th of July, Robb and Bobby were able to go to Wyoming for a much needed vacation. Robb was able to go to his "favorite place on earth" - Devils Canyon. These pics are backwards, sorry.
On the way home, they stopped at the Logan Temple. This is where my parents were married.
He was able to do some golfing.
He went to Colstrip, MT and saw some old friends. That is where he grew up.
Devils Canyon
Moss Ranch
Can you see that truck going up the mountain. My baby was in there. I try not to think about it too much.
The gang - Robb and Bobby, Brook and Larissa and Macey and James and Evan.
Look at all that green and the hoodie. Obsolete images living in the desert.
Evan and Bobby with supper.
Are they not the sweetest things you've ever seen??? I was alone while they were gone and I went crazy. Ill admit, it was great for the first three days but then I just wanted them home. Im so glad that they were able to go, though. They fit a lot into the week they were gone. They were able to go through Yellowstone Park on their way home. Great bonding experience for father and son and like I said, a much needed vacation for Robb.

Now, if you havent heard yet, Robb and I are grandparents!! I was very apprehensive when I first found out I was going to be one. First of all, Hope is so young and second, I am just not old enough to be a grandma, right? For a while, I thought of many alternative names; Nammy, Gangy, Mama Jem but when it came right down to it,
grandma it was. I wouldnt have it any other way. Bentley Paul Bravo - Born July 21st, 2010. 6 lbs 13 oz, 19 1/2 inches long.
Perfect in everyway.
Proud papa and mama. Jhofer did excellent. We each held a leg and I didnt once see him get faint or gray or have to step away.

What an amazing experience. Hope did awesome, with a little help from her best friend, epideral. Robb was also able to give her a blessing. I am so thankful that he is able to do that now. I laughed and cried and cried some more. I am so glad that they live close. There will be many many miles traveled on the road from Mesquite to St George. I am so very blessed.


Natalie said...

How special for you! I do have to say you will be the coolest grandma around! Congrats! and so good to see you today!

Stacey said...

Congrats on the baby, Grandma! He is precious. Great Picts of your boys camping. Enjoy the rest of summer.

The Edwards said...

Congrats! He is beautiful and you will be such a fun grandma!

Linda said...

Oh how sweet. You'll be a great grandma. He is so precious.