Saturday, November 22, 2008

Two Posts in One

Last week there was a horrible accident at Hopes High School. The cast and crew of Oklahoma was getting ready to start the final showing of the play when tragedy happened. Tucker Thayer, who was supposed to shoot off a gun to start off the play, was found dead in the sound booth from a gunshot wound to his head. The gun was filled with blanks but it was enough pressure to kill this young man. He was in our ward. Robb was in charge of the funeral that we just attended. It was the first service of Robb's that I have had the opportunity to go to and I am so proud of him. Robb has such a soft, kind heart. Families are very blessed to have him in their time of need. It was a such beautiful service. Tucker was a very loved and the chapel was full of his family and friends. He will be truly missed.

And now on a happier note. Amy, Jasmine, Jess and I went to Twilight last night. I am not a bit embarrassed to say that we stood in line for a good half hour anxiously anticipating the start of the movie. It was perfect. I read A LOT of books and I've really never found a movie that compares to the book.... but this one does. I can't wait until Kymbre is done reading it so I have an excuse to go see it again. This was the first movie that I heard people scream at. When Edward walked into the lunchroom for his first scene, girls were literally screaming, like they were at a Beatles concert or somthing. One girl in the back even outwardly proposed to Edward in her state of hysteria. Too funny. Great movie. I give it two enthusiastic thumbs up. The only down side to it is that we have to wait a year to see the second one.The song I picked for this post actually is in the soundtrack of Twilight but if you listen to the words, it also fits with my first post.


nina said...

That is really sad about that boys death. Why were they letting a high school student shoot a real gun anyway, even if it was just blanks?

Stacey said...

How sad. I hope the community recovers. That is so tragic. On another note, I am glad you liked the movie. I have heard pro and con...I will go see it....but I'd rather get pro reviews!! Thanks!

Michelle Thompson said...

Teisha thought the movie was great and that it matched up with the books well.

Margaret Kay said...

What a terrible tragedy, and someone in your own ward family. Kudos to Rob.

I guess I'll have to read the books 0 or will watching the movie do?

Linda said...

The movies have been too sold out for us to see it yet. Nina said she enjoyed listening to the audiance of teen girls and their enthusiasm. She said she never thoght any movie could come close to the books but they couldn't have done a better job. I can hardly wait to see it.
My heart goes out to all those that loved the young man in your ward. I had no idea that blanks really were not just blank. How sad.

Amy 'n Clint said...

What a tragedy! My stomach hurts just thinking about it. Hopefully it will pull everyone closer together and not apart.