Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Slow Down

I was feeling nostalgic last week so I rented some older movies. One of them was "City of Angels". I know it ends sad but I think the moral of the story is that we need to slow down and celebrate the magnificent life we mortals get to experience.
So, this week, take the extra time to enjoy the breathtaking sunset or landscape. If it rains, instead of hiding safely in your house, go out and dance in it.
Slow down when you are eating lunch or dinner and take pleasure in what you are tasting. No feeling guilty about calories or diets.
Sit and listen to your kids laughing.
Hold your partners hand or just look into their eyes. Stop and smell the flowers or babies or bread baking...breathe it in. We are so blessed to have so very many wonders in our lives. Lets take the time this week and enjoy, experience and appreciate them.


Amy said...

This is soooo true! After Emerson's birthday this month I just sat and wondered where the time went this past year and if I took advantage of all the days when he was so tiny!? His smell, all his "firsts", and his contentment with just being in my arms. Life happens so quickly, we really do just need to sit back, soak it in and enjoy the ride!

Joan said...

It's harder to slow down when you are a young mother with children and schedules and jobs and church responsibilites and etc, etc. When you get my age, it slows down a little and you can stop and smell the roses a little more often. I love this time of life. There is a time and season for everything but we can surely be more mindful of our blessings if we consciously try.


Linda said...

Your so right. Each day is such a gift.